Z SoccerChic9: Something new - for me.
Friday, November 12, 2004
We had Bible Study Wednesday night - and we actually had a good discussion/debate. It was kinda cool. I don't know if I made my point clear, but I thought about something in a new way that I hadn't before. And that was cool.

See we were discussing forgiveness. And one person said you don't have to forgive someone unless they ask you. Now, I have heard this theory before, and I disagree with it. I think you do have to forgive them in your heart and let go of it. Cause what if they never ask for forgiveness? It could of been a mis-understanding, or we were defining things differently, but the discussion went to does God forgive your sins when you ask Him or before.

I said that God must of forgiven your sins before time even began because he knew what was going to happen and such, and based on the entire predestination thing. And as I said it I was like cool, I never thought of it that way. God must of before time even began forgiven me for everything I did. Like how awesome. It's not like we can put God in a time-frame and say that he can't do that.

So ya, that was kinda cool. To think of it that way.
This template is called "Living the Dream", a modification of "The Light : The Sound". (c) 2005 Daniel Josph Xhan. Use and modify at your own discretion.